Maureen Baufeldt

It is with great sadness that we announce that Maureen Baufeldt, beloved wife and mother, respected business owner and cherished friend, passed away at Stevenson Memorial Hospital in Alliston on the morning of Monday, June 27th. Please share your story, Maureen was involved in so many of life's celebrations!

I still often think of the good time and visits we had over the years.

— Bill Coulter

Her memory will be honoured at our wedding in September, at her pride and joy... Mrs. Mitchell`s.

— Crystal Dwan and Dean DiFebo

Maureen = excellence, determination, spirited, wickedly witty, and ardent about life & family.

— Jennifer Kinsley

Our lives were a little richer for having met and known her...

— Dorte and Brian Taylor

My husband, who doesn't dance often, was swept off his chair by this tiny woman & made to dance!

— Pat Burns-Wendland

I know you are in a place where it's summer all year & your favorite flowers bloom all the time.

— Vanessa

Thank you Maureen, and deepest condolences Heidi and Jim. And let’s not forget the spoon bread!

— Blair Jones

Rest in Peace, Maureen. All the very best to your family as they grieve.

— Brian, Brampton

She will be fondly remembered and deeply missed.

— Amanda Keogh

She came across clearly as the owner, taking great pride in what she and her family had to offer.

— Louise Dorfman and David Rubinstein

Share your memories and stories

You can e-mail privately at Your thoughts and stories are welcome and very much appreciated.

Maureen Baufeldt

Maureen Baufeldt

It is with great sadness that we announce that Maureen Baufeldt, beloved wife and mother, respected business owner and cherished friend, passed away at Stevenson Memorial Hospital in Alliston on the morning of Monday, June 27th.

Donate to Canadian Cancer Society

As many of you know, Maureen conquered cancer over ten years ago. For those who wish to do more than send a note, Maureen would have appreciated donations to the Canadian Cancer Society. Donate online at:  Canadian Cancer Society Secure Donations Please use the following address for acknowledgements: 887395 Mono Mulmur Townline, Mulmur, Ontario, Canada, […]

  • Share your memories and stories

    You can e-mail privately at Your thoughts and stories are welcome and very much appreciated.

  • Maureen Baufeldt

    Maureen Baufeldt

    It is with great sadness that we announce that Maureen Baufeldt, beloved wife and mother, respected business owner and cherished friend, passed away at Stevenson Memorial Hospital in Alliston on the morning of Monday, June 27th.

  • Donate to Canadian Cancer Society

    As many of you know, Maureen conquered cancer over ten years ago. For those who wish to do more than send a note, Maureen would have appreciated donations to the Canadian Cancer Society. Donate online at:  Canadian Cancer Society Secure Donations Please use the following address for acknowledgements: 887395 Mono Mulmur Townline, Mulmur, Ontario, Canada, […]